Feeders start at 12:30PM with Breds/Pairs to follow
70 Dispersion of Blk 2nd and a few 3rd calf cows, mated to outstanding Felt bulls. Start calving Mar 15th. Super Gentle, running on stalk, on complete mineral and vac program. E/J Brester(Video on left)
35 Blk young to solid mouth cows, mated to outstanding Char bulls, start Mar 1 T Mallette
25 Blk Hfrs AI'd to Hickock for Feb 10, cleaned up with Hickok Son for 21 days. Complete mineral and vac programs. Super Set weighing 1050 A Korth
21 Blk Hfrs AI'd. Start calving Feb 26 & 27. Clean up with bull start calving Mid March for 45 Days M Lauters
12 Blk 2nd & 3rd calf cows mated to blk Sim bulls. Start Martch 1st. Super Gentle. Complete Vac and mineral program. S Copple